@Happyme it seems you are lacking of reading comprehension as I say before instead of making a superficial analysis based on a preconceived notion, why don’t you read the novella
We are still waiting for the ml to change his selfishness character and also other attitudes as well
And if we are cursing him it’s simple : he has everything, money , fame , power , a beautiful fiance , great family history, all his wish became the truth and now he is bullying a beautiful blonde innocent girl who is living a simple life with her godfather and his friend ( although he is not sering Leiyla as a friend) but anyway that kind of life is worth more than anything else . ( I mean Leiya’s life )
to people that are hating on ML in every chapter, why are you guy’s still here? please dont read if you gonna shit on ML without understanding his character.
@LISA MARNETA ikr I bet you he’s not gonna even apologize for doing what he did he probably just laugh and say and probably tell her oh it was a joke yeah you know it’s also a joke me putting your head on the water and wait for the bubbles to stop that’s a joke jerk😡
@Pinkchik and what his turmoils and complexities is he just like to see people suffer because he’s so bored because he’s filthy rich and he could do whatever you want or he just doesn’t have a soul😒
@zeenatfatimashaikh addressed an important subject of the psychological aspect in an historical context , in those times is not like it was a topic touched for aristocratic families
It isn’t easy to understand the ML, this novel really entails the importance of psychological therapy and how psychological issues can really ruin one’s life. Both ML and FL have their own psychological issues and which they never could deal with, and in colonial and historical period mental issues were not even considered important to be resolved. ML might look like a psychopath and you might get irritated by his actions while reading this novel and manhwa but it depicts how someone who was given everything without much struggle feels when he cant have that one person he so desperately desires. ML grew uo with male members in his family, and was spoiled by Female members of his family and he was made duke at the age of 12, he did a good job for managing everything so well at such an early age i would appreciate him for that, a 12 year old is just a schooler becomes the Duke of one of the most noble family with no male member to guide him about. ML is like perfect shell with hollowness and emptiness inside. Layla made him feel those emotions, this novel is a journey of two psychologically affected characters feeling human emotions through each other and for each other. He did made alot of mistakes in his life but he never hurt Layla physically on purpose. You may hate him call him sick and pathetic, but he loved her in his own twisted ways tho.
Moral of this novel clearly was the importance of having psychological counselling, and need for a psychologist.
As what @penguin_reader said .. there’s an IG page where they explain, analyse what’s was going on …
The story goes beyond what’s we’re reading in the surface. .. like literally how it was written and how’s portrayed in the webtoon .. just woooooow
Soo fellow readers don’t just hate on Matthias.. and really pay attention to the details ✨✨✨✨
Matthias made Leyla pick the flowers again because Leyla first picked the flowers that were Claudine’s taste which were bright, and the second flowers Leyla picked were by her taste which was gaudy roses. Mathias preferred Leyla’s taste over Cluadines.
Mathias wanted Leyla to smile, Because when Leyla left Mathias to go to Kyle. Mathias for the first time felt emotions of Jealousy. So Mathias thought since Leyla was smiling happily while eating a sandwich with Kyle, He wanted Leyla to smile in-front of him since Leyla never showed such emotions in-front of Mathias. He wanted to give Leyla a sandwich for good terms as reward but the whole thing was misunderstood from Leyla’s eyes. (Simple sandwiches are not food for nobles)
Mathias never showed his informal look infront of ANYONE including his parents, Since he had to be the Perfect Duke. But he showed Leyla his vulnerability, just sitting with his messy form.
I think it’s these days that Duke will hold a class on how to be a whore
@Happyme it seems you are lacking of reading comprehension as I say before instead of making a superficial analysis based on a preconceived notion, why don’t you read the novella
Who loves manga
We are still waiting for the ml to change his selfishness character and also other attitudes as well
And if we are cursing him it’s simple : he has everything, money , fame , power , a beautiful fiance , great family history, all his wish became the truth and now he is bullying a beautiful blonde innocent girl who is living a simple life with her godfather and his friend ( although he is not sering Leiyla as a friend) but anyway that kind of life is worth more than anything else . ( I mean Leiya’s life )
Who loves manga
@Nanami02 oh the is he your husband? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
to people that are hating on ML in every chapter, why are you guy’s still here? please dont read if you gonna shit on ML without understanding his character.
@LISA MARNETA ikr I bet you he’s not gonna even apologize for doing what he did he probably just laugh and say and probably tell her oh it was a joke yeah you know it’s also a joke me putting your head on the water and wait for the bubbles to stop that’s a joke jerk😡
@Pinkchik and what his turmoils and complexities is he just like to see people suffer because he’s so bored because he’s filthy rich and he could do whatever you want or he just doesn’t have a soul😒
I swear does this man have nothing better to do than just watching our poor girl drown
@zeenatfatimashaikh addressed an important subject of the psychological aspect in an historical context , in those times is not like it was a topic touched for aristocratic families
It isn’t easy to understand the ML, this novel really entails the importance of psychological therapy and how psychological issues can really ruin one’s life. Both ML and FL have their own psychological issues and which they never could deal with, and in colonial and historical period mental issues were not even considered important to be resolved. ML might look like a psychopath and you might get irritated by his actions while reading this novel and manhwa but it depicts how someone who was given everything without much struggle feels when he cant have that one person he so desperately desires. ML grew uo with male members in his family, and was spoiled by Female members of his family and he was made duke at the age of 12, he did a good job for managing everything so well at such an early age i would appreciate him for that, a 12 year old is just a schooler becomes the Duke of one of the most noble family with no male member to guide him about. ML is like perfect shell with hollowness and emptiness inside. Layla made him feel those emotions, this novel is a journey of two psychologically affected characters feeling human emotions through each other and for each other. He did made alot of mistakes in his life but he never hurt Layla physically on purpose. You may hate him call him sick and pathetic, but he loved her in his own twisted ways tho.
Moral of this novel clearly was the importance of having psychological counselling, and need for a psychologist.
Matthias is a peanut brain & FL I do thinks sometimes she misunderstands stuff, I don’t dislike Claudine & best character is uncle Ben
As what @penguin_reader said .. there’s an IG page where they explain, analyse what’s was going on …
The story goes beyond what’s we’re reading in the surface. .. like literally how it was written and how’s portrayed in the webtoon .. just woooooow
Soo fellow readers don’t just hate on Matthias.. and really pay attention to the details ✨✨✨✨
Y’all need to read the novel to understand his inner turmoils and complexities 🫠🫠🫠 he is a flawed character
Sick fucking bastard
He was disappointed that Leyla did not eat the sandwich and smile like she did with Kyle.
So there is this instagram page called cryevenbetterifyoubeganalysis it will help you understand the story more.
Matthias made Leyla pick the flowers again because Leyla first picked the flowers that were Claudine’s taste which were bright, and the second flowers Leyla picked were by her taste which was gaudy roses. Mathias preferred Leyla’s taste over Cluadines.
Mathias wanted Leyla to smile, Because when Leyla left Mathias to go to Kyle. Mathias for the first time felt emotions of Jealousy. So Mathias thought since Leyla was smiling happily while eating a sandwich with Kyle, He wanted Leyla to smile in-front of him since Leyla never showed such emotions in-front of Mathias. He wanted to give Leyla a sandwich for good terms as reward but the whole thing was misunderstood from Leyla’s eyes. (Simple sandwiches are not food for nobles)
Mathias never showed his informal look infront of ANYONE including his parents, Since he had to be the Perfect Duke. But he showed Leyla his vulnerability, just sitting with his messy form.