Gigit1126 Switch the A & I in Libato and what do we have? Yes, yes. I was crackin’ them jokes😈 November 25, 2023 at 9:45 am Log in to Reply
_sonogong_ Marty inherited emperor’s coward genes perfectly October 19, 2023 at 10:13 am Log in to Reply
Gasai I like the fl more and more with every single chapter The priest knows what he’s doing though taking advantage of the sistuation to gain things October 12, 2023 at 6:38 pm Log in to Reply
Heypakas Ok everyone is dumb. The empress is dumb for trying to get rid of carlisle. The priest is dumb bc he thinks his god will protect him when he’s killing people left and right. What god does he serve, god of death? October 12, 2023 at 8:27 am Log in to Reply
Moxtuna She is very stupid, if their kingdom becomes a non-secular kingdom, does she think she will be the one to govern? October 12, 2023 at 1:20 am Log in to Reply
Loqe01 She’s not very smart at all, she left her traitorous plans on paper. October 11, 2023 at 6:49 pm Log in to Reply
Lightning-Kun guess what everyone is playing their own game & thinking they’ll win smh…. blonde prince is truly incompetent can’t wait for them to eat sand October 11, 2023 at 4:58 pm Log in to Reply
Guess who That bitch y not use ur smartass brain to hel ur country instead 🤨 October 11, 2023 at 4:42 pm Log in to Reply
lilly evergarden
look at this ugly mama boy
Switch the A & I in Libato and what do we have?
Yes, yes. I was crackin’ them jokes😈
Marty inherited emperor’s coward genes perfectly
I like the fl more and more with every single chapter
The priest knows what he’s doing though taking advantage of the sistuation to gain things
Ok everyone is dumb. The empress is dumb for trying to get rid of carlisle. The priest is dumb bc he thinks his god will protect him when he’s killing people left and right. What god does he serve, god of death?
She is very stupid, if their kingdom becomes a non-secular kingdom, does she think she will be the one to govern?
She’s not very smart at all, she left her traitorous plans on paper.
guess what everyone is playing their own game & thinking they’ll win smh…. blonde prince is truly incompetent can’t wait for them to eat sand
Guess who
That bitch y not use ur smartass brain to hel ur country instead 🤨