i honestly, just want friends.. i’ve been super lonely, i had my phone taken away. i have lowkey notthin left. i fr just have hiding at mid night with cams in my room and people telling me what i should or should not do.. my only choices are to kms or run away.. what would you do in my life rn?
Are you okay bro I can be your friend I’m lonely too I work hard and read manga from 6 Til 9 it’s quite hard but talking with you mite make me feel better. Wannabe my friend
i also have cams (due to parents) and no friends…as for kys…i’ve tried to kms (as you can tell that failed)…and i don’t (or ever had)a phone…what would i do? hhhmmmmm i am kinda stuck in the same situation but don’t really have a solution. I mean what can a bunch of lonely unemployed underaged suicidal teenagers do about our life? Sadly the aduls in my life have not even noticed the scars on my wrist (such good parents huh)…so i suggest you read manhwa all day!!! that at least keeps the depression away while you are reading it….
If the king is the second male lead i hope that he will still find his love
LLENNS heartburst
let’s be friends then, do you have discord? if you don’t that fine
LLENNS heartburst
i honestly, just want friends.. i’ve been super lonely, i had my phone taken away. i have lowkey notthin left. i fr just have hiding at mid night with cams in my room and people telling me what i should or should not do.. my only choices are to kms or run away.. what would you do in my life rn?
Are you okay bro I can be your friend I’m lonely too I work hard and read manga from 6 Til 9 it’s quite hard but talking with you mite make me feel better. Wannabe my friend
i also have cams (due to parents) and no friends…as for kys…i’ve tried to kms (as you can tell that failed)…and i don’t (or ever had)a phone…what would i do? hhhmmmmm i am kinda stuck in the same situation but don’t really have a solution. I mean what can a bunch of lonely unemployed underaged suicidal teenagers do about our life? Sadly the aduls in my life have not even noticed the scars on my wrist (such good parents huh)…so i suggest you read manhwa all day!!! that at least keeps the depression away while you are reading it….