man this is so sad… all that bullying cuz she was chubby??? how foolish can people be she was such a sweet girl died for FL she just wanted love & acceptance but sadly she was around trash…. but what is the real appearance of spirit? like he had golden eyes when he was with Ruby
juliet make rubetria’s dream come true gurl!!!!
The plot is all over the place
A heaven resident’s soul.. full of kindness. Go Juliette! Make Ruby proud!
i feel so bad for the og ruberta for being treated that way
Awww this is the first time I acc feel bad for the og fl, she was so precious
….Well, this chapter has made it’s way and infiltrated into my heart without permission..
OgRuberta😭😭, she was such a noble, kind and selfless person. I truly wish her to get isekai’ed again somewhere in loving family.
og!ruby was a sweetheart. feels bad for her :(((
man this is so sad… all that bullying cuz she was chubby??? how foolish can people be she was such a sweet girl died for FL she just wanted love & acceptance but sadly she was around trash…. but what is the real appearance of spirit? like he had golden eyes when he was with Ruby