Armide Me, who hasn’t read Hamlet in like 20 yrs and barely remembers the plot – DAMN and I was wondering why a prince was just casually going abt town. That uncle is trash! October 28, 2024 at 3:30 pm Log in to Reply
Catherine Briar I wouldn’t want t back either but I might have burned it myself. This is a version of Hamlet! August 10, 2023 at 1:31 am Log in to Reply
PsychoPrincess Fl be stepping all over his dark past….girl don’t you realise some people just want to forget certain things? July 16, 2023 at 4:18 am Log in to Reply
AArtsy You naive girl, WHY did you have to tell him you’ve met the prince in the library?! And hes got one of those super-creep smiles thanks to the artist!! July 4, 2023 at 12:19 am Log in to Reply
haurva jesus christ they really just took the plot of hamlet July 2, 2023 at 11:52 am Log in to Reply
Dhanniel Tsk tsk why the hell the Mc would ask question to her former bastard ex. So stupid. June 16, 2023 at 3:25 pm Log in to Reply
MiscMech … I was joking when I called him, “Hamlet” earlier. June 13, 2023 at 9:17 pm Log in to Reply
Me, who hasn’t read Hamlet in like 20 yrs and barely remembers the plot – DAMN and I was wondering why a prince was just casually going abt town. That uncle is trash!
ohhhh it’s hamlet
I hate that blonde leonnnie guy
Catherine Briar
I wouldn’t want t back either but I might have burned it myself. This is a version of Hamlet!
Fl be stepping all over his dark past….girl don’t you realise some people just want to forget certain things?
You naive girl, WHY did you have to tell him you’ve met the prince in the library?!
And hes got one of those super-creep smiles thanks to the artist!!
jesus christ they really just took the plot of hamlet
Tsk tsk why the hell the Mc would ask question to her former bastard ex. So stupid.
… I was joking when I called him, “Hamlet” earlier.