Monologhit Why the heck should you ask someone as suspicious as him!!! May 10, 2024 at 9:17 am Log in to Reply
Odi (RIP) Why does SHE have to save YOUR arrogant son, sir?😟 September 29, 2023 at 7:47 pm Log in to Reply
haurva ………..she literally didn’t even learn a single thing about him in the wake of his death? not so much as a newspaper article? NOTHING?????? July 2, 2023 at 11:50 am Log in to Reply
MiscMech How… how does literally everyone else still know more about her first love than she does? No shade, but it just seems reasonable that she’d look him up in her past life or even now that they’re working together. June 13, 2023 at 9:14 pm Log in to Reply
Girl are you madman
Why the heck should you ask someone as suspicious as him!!!
Odi (RIP)
Why does SHE have to save YOUR arrogant son, sir?😟
Girl just look him up on google…
………..she literally didn’t even learn a single thing about him in the wake of his death? not so much as a newspaper article? NOTHING??????
Lonnie seems like he’s remembering…
How… how does literally everyone else still know more about her first love than she does? No shade, but it just seems reasonable that she’d look him up in her past life or even now that they’re working together.