Sunwxd The fk is this you dumb ah sister bich get some self respect and don’t be a homewrecker May 11, 2024 at 10:11 am Log in to Reply
PsychoPrincess Why do these dumb Father’s always mistreat he kids? Does he somehow think his loved one would like the fact that he is abusing their kid? July 8, 2023 at 1:21 am Log in to Reply
Warrior Oho another pathetic parent (father) who is blaming their child , because their wife died while giving birth. Tsk June 11, 2023 at 9:21 pm Log in to Reply
The fk is this you dumb ah sister bich get some self respect and don’t be a homewrecker
Why do these dumb Father’s always mistreat he kids? Does he somehow think his loved one would like the fact that he is abusing their kid?
Oho another pathetic parent (father) who is blaming their child , because their wife died while giving birth. Tsk