Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 8
You don't have anything in histories
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Josh Thankgosh
Yeah! Like!, Bench?! Who even asked you and I mean the prince to interrupt?! Get lost!!! This ain’t your place?! So sorry, I’m just soooo bitter right now? At least I get to take out my anger here ::)
Queen Silvia
The ML should’ve just waited for her to finish if he wanted to know what she would do?
You wouldn’t know Crown prince
I hope she realize that the good heroine is gone
i hope she wont just rely on her knowledge obout the “story plot” and will use her previous experience in finding out her enemies(snake fl bitch), she’s trained in military im sure they do some education in psychology knowing persons character. this helps identify is a person is a threat or not
chaemins wife
hope the FL know that the heroine is rotten ugh🗿
bro already fell to deep