Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 5
You don't have anything in histories
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my girl has no mercy and I love it
Shiv bhatt
@Josh Thankgosh if you want to read solo mangas go read shounen or seinen, don’t click on a shoujo manga/manhwa like an mor*n knowing it will be romance , so you’re the one fueled with cringe , ” i mean romance… Ugh” go somewhere else and cry about it trying to look better with your narcissistic as*. Gtfo, GLB
Josh Thankgosh
I was hoping that this Manga would be a solo type, but as soon as I saw that Portrait of this manga, I knew for a fact that this was going to be fueled with Cringe, I mean romance… Ugh!
I will hold out until I see another meditation/cultivation sword bullshit , she should have been transported into a wunxia novel instead of this
HI -_-
This crazy b!tch
Bro just why?..? Hit a grandpa??
She said the MC embarrassed her for not telling her the Crown Prince is here? Dude she already embarrassing herself infront of him
Grand duchess my a** haha she’s just embarrassing herself
She’s lost it