Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 45
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@EevysRead there’s a possibility that the ML might not get suspicious of Sonia but I’m sure the FL will if she hears how she ‘accidentally’ dropped her purse and have away enough gold coins to hire a bunch of expensive assassins. Hopefully FL will finally realise that the jealous bish is a total psycho and will threaten her life just because she can’t control her anymore. Either way I doubt they’ll believe that it’s solely the maid’s machinations so it’ll put them both on guard knowing that there’s someone behind the maid who is willing to hire assassins to off FL.
But it would only lead to bella’s maid. When will that psycho bish Sonia get the punishment. I would point my finger at her if anything happen to Rosalie.
He’s bout to find out 😌😌
Catch the bitch