Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 4
You don't have anything in histories
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It is written in a fast paced way because she came right in the middle of that other chick getting ready to run off and start a territory war. She has four months give or take to reestablish herself as Duchess, train the troops and stop the former Duchess from ripping off all the funds in the Duchy. So, yes it is going to be kind of fast paced right now.
This characters seem to be so random
If he’s the male lead I will literally be disappointed 💢
i live in toronto bro
star vs the forces of evil
Toronto… sigh…
Yeah sure whatever
HI -_-
I think he is the ml
I don’t like the fact that they both know her situation but still act like someone who knows nothing completely👹
Nah bro
Unless you give me a proper reason, I will still not like you, either of you to be exact.
is he the ml? hopefully not I don’t like him
So this dude looked at a girl being abused and walked away but was ready to love a happy go lucky compassionate girl who was friends with a girl she knew was being abused but did nothing. I mean I don’t know the full story of the ogFL and the MC but like that’s basically what has been revealed so far.
more more please
Hahahahaha kalmahi madii
wakoy labot nimo litsi