Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 37
You don't have anything in histories
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Haha @blahdeblah. Yes, he is. I’ll take him!
I’m rooting for Eridit. He is so sweet and truly let’s the FML do as she wants. He doesn’t force her to change red kitty and the CP always want to interfere and dictate how she acts.
Shiv bhatt
I hate the CP he acts like he’s from the streets, how can you forget and abandon your old friend just because you have a crush on someone, he literally tossed Sonia aside completely because he found someone better, which means if he finds someone even better then the MC he will abandon her too, these type of characters in real life are losers and for the streets
I know it’s hopeless but I’m rooting for Eridit😫😫🤞🏻
Maria O.
Megane or big red kitty. I don’t mind which as long as it’s not the CP. 💀
Atleast we know who Rosalie’s Heart go badum badum
yui uzumaki
a part of me wishes her to be with eridit
he is there for head pats, not to spy on documents lol