Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 28
You don't have anything in histories
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What’s stopping the nobles from using the ring to change their hair color left and right? There’s no need for a wig anymore
Lol lol The daughter of a count without her own title, threatening a Duchess 🤣🤣 she can’t even rely on the crown prince anymore 🤣
This bitch really said Don’t you get it, this is your last chance😂💀 I would have punched the shit out of her if she said that to me😂 who does she think she is ….and the fact that she thinks Rosalie care makes me laugh, ROSALIE COULD LITERALLY KILL YOU😂😂 OUR FL IS THE BEST😏❤️
lol she completely snapped
Bitch got some nerve I say slap some sense into her! 😈
I need fl to break this b!//tch’s bones.
Shiv bhatt
Bitch if she punches you it will be your last day on earth, get your scrawny lil ass somewhere else.