Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 17
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@EevysRead I don’t think so Iean about the FL being boring it’s not like she can warm up to him so soon you know he is the crown prince that sided with her enemy in the og story and he basically intruded into her room without an invite so how else is she supposed to treat him her not treating him with obvious caution is very good already and as some one who might interfere with her plans he is like stumbling stone to her personally I would find anybody interfering with my plans and doing unnecessary things even out of good will annoying and make sure to make it clear to them that their interference is uncalled for so It makes sence for her to treat him like that instead it won’t make anysense if she fell in love with him already and treated him better than she is treating him now
Maria O.
Nathan. Yes please~ 🐈😍😍😍😍😍
HI -_-
I already forgot what this story was about
I love thé FL
This manhwa.. becomes.. so dry.. the indifference attitude from the fl is just.. boring abit..
Dont bother me
That’s a thick wall😬
unwavering 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾……….love to see!!