Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 13
You don't have anything in histories
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Rational?? Soooo he settled. Dang. That sucks. So I’m confused. Who is the Main Character in the friends book? Who’s the crazy Male Lead? Cuz Duchess made it seem like he came over once then left with her First Knight. The bestie must be an outsider too. Be funny if it’s her friend author too loll
Josh Thankgosh
Then do it? Its doesn’t benefit me in anyway
HI -_-
Oh gosh
Queen Silvia
All the women were blushing when she caught the wine glass.
I bet she’s gonna be loved by all the ladies and get a fan club
Oh my god. Yes!! She strangled them with her pretty necklace. Its amazing.
let her die bro we don’t care
Boss MC.
Amelia Marie
Pl let her be like why would I care, because who TF would care about their kidnapper
Ok. Hear me out. What if the pink hair bitch falls for the MC because she might save her too?
Pink hair still a bitch tho
Rum Lawrence
Ugh 😩 pink heads r always annoying for some reason
Let her die she did it upon herself