Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 11
You don't have anything in histories
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nossa senhora esse povo do comentário é insuportável “she doesn’t have any personality”, gente pelo amor de deus vcs que são enjoados vsfd
Prince reminds me of Gojo. Funny boi, bland girl, all is well. Wish I could stop myself from reading the comment section🙄
Yall might not like the prince but I don’t even like the main character, she doesn’t have any personality besides being strong
Maria O.
I don’t like the Prince either. 🤦♀️
But wait a minute. What does the glasses guy mean “You don’t have a child so let me go” 🤔😕 Is this another TL issue? I hope so cause that’s annoying. 💀
Josh Thankgosh
Why am I so better?!!!
Everytime she gives order, my inner self just scream “MAAM! YES MAAM!! for no reason
Haha she’s easy to talk to for sure 😊
I don’t like the prince 😒