Captain! Is this battlefield here? - Chapter 1
You don't have anything in histories
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Why us and what if us Korea can’t win against us even if they attacked LOL
Why is she so sure it’s still the US??? And not from their neighbour North Korea? Like have some common sense
It MUST be the US? Why MUST the US be the one bombing South Korea all of a sudden??? I’m not even American and I’m offended
I meant too unimportant (instead of small) sorry English is not my first language
@misto713 I think she is too small compared to the territorial war that will happen so I think she will wait for the right time and catch her red handed and since she is from the military I think it makes sense for her to think about the war first thing
aaand the stepmother? since she’s the cause (as always, in these stupid misogynistic clichés) shouldn’t MC deal with her forst? or dpes she want to get robbed?
star vs the forces of evil
Not another demonization of the West ugh
So instead of a workaholic novel lover now is a military mam that read a novel……I guess that’s kind of diverse ? I mean I gree whit her is hard to read FML in general at least for me
[email protected]
Yeah Girl!! Bring it on!
Military oriented organisation? Sign me up.
Queen Silvia
I’m getting second hand embarrassment already
She’s lovely but I kinda wish she kept her body. She look goddamn fine and badass
i wish she kept her original body; FL’s hot af 🥵 .. lady soldier that’s got a top class mind and her physical strength doesn’t fall behind at all; im psyched to read about what she’s going to do in the future.
Omgg.. luv luv badass women! Not those half baked isekaid princesses that sits on the bed all day and contemplating on how to get the boys 🫠
Thank you for this !!
Hello bad@ss 🤩
i already like her hehe