Welll…..it’s not Vivian’s fault really. BEFORE YPU GET MAD AT MY SAYING THAT…LISTEN TO MEE……it’s not her fault, it’s her maids fault for talking to Vivian about how Navia is bad and stuff she’s SIX being influenced by the ADULTS around her. Then, she’ll grow up believing that, because that’s what she was taught from the beginning. But she’s still a bit of a bitch
I get it being insecure about marrying someone u supposed to marry but, CALLING THE SISTER DO SHE CAN SEE THAT SHE DOESN’T HAVE THOSE KIND OF THINGS THAT VIVI HAS IS SO BITCH TO ME
vivi, my dear
you can HAVE prince ares
hes a fuckin bitch, just like he was in the greek myths
dont worry my love
youll be his slutty little aphrodite, who cheats or her amazing husband, and gets HELLA embarrassed
dont worry my love 😊
Welll…..it’s not Vivian’s fault really. BEFORE YPU GET MAD AT MY SAYING THAT…LISTEN TO MEE……it’s not her fault, it’s her maids fault for talking to Vivian about how Navia is bad and stuff she’s SIX being influenced by the ADULTS around her. Then, she’ll grow up believing that, because that’s what she was taught from the beginning. But she’s still a bit of a bitch
What’s wrong with this kid
I get it being insecure about marrying someone u supposed to marry but, CALLING THE SISTER DO SHE CAN SEE THAT SHE DOESN’T HAVE THOSE KIND OF THINGS THAT VIVI HAS IS SO BITCH TO ME
vivi, my dear
you can HAVE prince ares
hes a fuckin bitch, just like he was in the greek myths
dont worry my love
youll be his slutty little aphrodite, who cheats or her amazing husband, and gets HELLA embarrassed
dont worry my love 😊
A bitch is always a bitch damn 💀
a 6 year old bitch
hah thats what chu get bitch
Feel free to take Prince Ares, you too are great for each other
Where she got that thought from? I’m confused
Wowie!! ( ✧Д✧) YES!!
the amount of thinks that can be running in a 6 year old’s head
Substitute for the two strawberries
She is pretty annoying, isn’t she… 🙂
I hated her from the start!
I started to hate that pink hair kid..
I hated her from the beginning!