ina my poor girl 🥺 it probably took so much courage to finally ask him that after all those years and to just receive such a half-assed answer… “will you believe me if i make you my girlfriend?” CAN YOU JUST ANSWER HER DAMN QUESTION? 🙄🙄 i swear it’s a talent for men to always deflect the question by just doing what they think you want to hear!! just be honest man…
@namjoobs how the heck is she disappointing you??
dang ina keep disappointing me I rly hope it’s not her
ina my poor girl 🥺 it probably took so much courage to finally ask him that after all those years and to just receive such a half-assed answer… “will you believe me if i make you my girlfriend?” CAN YOU JUST ANSWER HER DAMN QUESTION? 🙄🙄 i swear it’s a talent for men to always deflect the question by just doing what they think you want to hear!! just be honest man…
most probably that’s not ina but that girl who left that note with her number we saw in initial panel