Honestly she’s getting on my nerves. First of all she does nothing at work, that she is paid for and then is even late without telling the boss. Basically lied that she will go to work after he comes get her and now flipin doesn’t even go to work but dinner like girlll
Ugh ugh I don’t like juhan I think he’s sticking to Ina just like the devil’s because he can’t seduce her and he can’t lust after her so maybe he’s trying to see if he can just like when the first met the other devil’s and he’s been with her since middle school?? Idk I hope he’s not a bad guy
Hm… They are going to need something pretty good to explain how cocky Juhan is over this. He could get wiped in his apartment and Ina would be none the wiser.
I’ve been thinking about this for a bit, but maybe she’s like a Lilith or an angel so that’s why the devil stuff doesn’t work andshe can chill humans out, excited to find out!! Also can’t wait to see if a Belphegor will pop up to see the full 7
Honestly she’s getting on my nerves. First of all she does nothing at work, that she is paid for and then is even late without telling the boss. Basically lied that she will go to work after he comes get her and now flipin doesn’t even go to work but dinner like girlll
ouchyyy hahhahaha
Ugh ugh I don’t like juhan I think he’s sticking to Ina just like the devil’s because he can’t seduce her and he can’t lust after her so maybe he’s trying to see if he can just like when the first met the other devil’s and he’s been with her since middle school?? Idk I hope he’s not a bad guy
Idk if I like Juhan for her yet but definitely not like this black haired dude.. the 4 eyes devil is better for Ina..
Hm… They are going to need something pretty good to explain how cocky Juhan is over this. He could get wiped in his apartment and Ina would be none the wiser.
I’ve been thinking about this for a bit, but maybe she’s like a Lilith or an angel so that’s why the devil stuff doesn’t work andshe can chill humans out, excited to find out!! Also can’t wait to see if a Belphegor will pop up to see the full 7