I’m certain we’ll see his mom’s motivations later. They’re already hinting at it with her calling out to her brother (out of character). I’m guessing, since she wants Oscar’s position to be strong, but the Emperor loved another woman, she purposefully distanced herself and her family.
Aww, i hope the misunderstanding is resolved eventually- i can tell that the uncle means well. He seems like the fun uncle 😭
You protect your brother… Until you realize he’s just following his sisters orders but even than you should scold him princess
Your_Anxiety attack
We still don’t know if Oscar’s mother is good or not it’s probably a misunderstanding like the other type of manhwas, who knows
Poor uncle, I know just how tough sibling loyalty can be, and his sister has a similar personality to one of my sisters, poor dude.
I’m certain we’ll see his mom’s motivations later. They’re already hinting at it with her calling out to her brother (out of character). I’m guessing, since she wants Oscar’s position to be strong, but the Emperor loved another woman, she purposefully distanced herself and her family.
Thanks for the update
Wow Oscar’s mom sucks 🥲🥲🥲
Why does Oscar mom have a stick up her a**
Poor uncle😮💨
Lol. Poor Liss. You’re officially on the princess’ blacklist.