damn….. so cruel… dear bitches hard truth of life no matter what potion u drink whatever u do…… trauma remains memories remain in cells…. cellular memory not only urs u have that of your ancestors as well….. so it’s futile best thing face the pain….. and dumb boy….. that girl already warned you why do you not listen….. don’t be impulsive observe the place then make plan, I think that blue haired girl was grim reaper & this girl who is helping boys is still sus I wonder if she too have monster form….
damn….. so cruel… dear bitches hard truth of life no matter what potion u drink whatever u do…… trauma remains memories remain in cells…. cellular memory not only urs u have that of your ancestors as well….. so it’s futile best thing face the pain….. and dumb boy….. that girl already warned you why do you not listen….. don’t be impulsive observe the place then make plan, I think that blue haired girl was grim reaper & this girl who is helping boys is still sus I wonder if she too have monster form….