Their parents were bad to mc but to not that extent that they are abusing her. They have abondoned her but she was living in peace and the step mother was tried pulling some string but she got killed.
Fl’s sisters were also not bad. She had five other sis and 4 of them got murdered.
Even her parents were bad to her, both the king and queen were good to own blood daughter. And OgFL have right to take revenge because her loved one got murdered.
That’s why I will never want the OgFL to get with emperor. I’m shipping her to the guy who gave her flower pot in this ch.
Now, had they just been royals from rival kingdoms, I’d agree with you, but this emperor literally destroyed her home and killed the entire rest of her family (except the mc who was only saved because the ML was granted the option of a spoil of war). Sure, the parents were arguably deserving of death, but the sisters weren’t *all* bad. Them getting together is basically Stockholm syndrome as well as such an insult to the idea of family.
It actually makes me curious what happened to her during her time in the palace with that crazy emperor.Questions about how did the emperor meet her? Why is he so obsessed with her to the point he’d destroy a kingdom just to get her? Keep popping up in my head,but there’s a part of me that wants them to end up together I kinda wished a side couple like these two yknow enemies to lovers trope or a yandere trope works too.
Their parents were bad to mc but to not that extent that they are abusing her. They have abondoned her but she was living in peace and the step mother was tried pulling some string but she got killed.
Fl’s sisters were also not bad. She had five other sis and 4 of them got murdered.
Even her parents were bad to her, both the king and queen were good to own blood daughter. And OgFL have right to take revenge because her loved one got murdered.
That’s why I will never want the OgFL to get with emperor. I’m shipping her to the guy who gave her flower pot in this ch.
Now, had they just been royals from rival kingdoms, I’d agree with you, but this emperor literally destroyed her home and killed the entire rest of her family (except the mc who was only saved because the ML was granted the option of a spoil of war). Sure, the parents were arguably deserving of death, but the sisters weren’t *all* bad. Them getting together is basically Stockholm syndrome as well as such an insult to the idea of family.
It actually makes me curious what happened to her during her time in the palace with that crazy emperor.Questions about how did the emperor meet her? Why is he so obsessed with her to the point he’d destroy a kingdom just to get her? Keep popping up in my head,but there’s a part of me that wants them to end up together I kinda wished a side couple like these two yknow enemies to lovers trope or a yandere trope works too.