ml is trash. can we get a new one? idc for his sob story. dude has probably tortured and killed many innocent women in his pursuit for revenge due to a single witch.
this story have a unique plot base. but why is this ml so damn annoying….. he’s overreacting and exaggerating every possible situation. the two good things abt this comic is probably it’s story and good art style. cause i can’t see myself reading this if it have a shabby art style
Now that 9 think about it.. Tye art looks fimeliar.. I forgot the name of the manhwa but the fl had white hair and purple eyes and the ml had red eyes and gold hair
I will not comment bad words,.. remember the redemption seal… it’s orchestrated..the author planned it ahead …
man fuck u, if u don’t like it GIVE IT TO MEEEEE
ml is trash. can we get a new one? idc for his sob story. dude has probably tortured and killed many innocent women in his pursuit for revenge due to a single witch.
The male lead’s face is <3 <3 <3
But his personality is ಠ╭╮ಠ
i fucking hate the ML i don’t care what the situation is he’s a piece of shit and i hope he’ll regret his behaviour later in
dude be grateful
Is this Shokugeki no Souma manhwa version xD
i wishit would do season six, new generation like son of soma and erina or daughter of takumi and megumi. yo know… haha
what is he does he have a god’s tongue worse than Erina’s mother
no kidding
Just let this jerk-y die already. What an annoying character.
this story have a unique plot base. but why is this ml so damn annoying….. he’s overreacting and exaggerating every possible situation. the two good things abt this comic is probably it’s story and good art style. cause i can’t see myself reading this if it have a shabby art style
tbh hope he starves and never tastes again, he’s so annoying
What happened to the rest of the royal family?
The chapters are not cut. That’s actually how they are in the raw version.
Tch. This bullshit Duke ?
I want to beat him up so badly pls update
Seems like the chapters are cut in 2 sets ┐(´д`)┌
Now that 9 think about it.. Tye art looks fimeliar.. I forgot the name of the manhwa but the fl had white hair and purple eyes and the ml had red eyes and gold hair
Spring and Summer
Will he stop overreacting? ?
Hmm maybe the chapters feel short because nothing is happening ?
Penelope Eckhart
Whatt??? What happened damn I cant wait for the next chapter thank you so much for fast updates hari?