If you’re wondering why it wasn’t mentioned before that Liana’s (or Luana whatever) mother being a witch. It actually was. I wouldn’t be surprised if many didn’t remember but it was mentioned a few times over the course of the chapters that has been released. However, they were little comments here and there and easy to miss with all that has been happening (annnnd I suspect some skipped chapters as the story has felt like it’s dragging a bit)
This bluebrrycantspel dude never fails to make me laugh every time I see he’s comment lolll
knew it lololol
AHHAAHHAHA i knew it but oh well, such a twisted story is th>s 😂😂
So, it’s mother.. then how do you break it? 🤭
blubis thebest
If you’re wondering why it wasn’t mentioned before that Liana’s (or Luana whatever) mother being a witch. It actually was. I wouldn’t be surprised if many didn’t remember but it was mentioned a few times over the course of the chapters that has been released. However, they were little comments here and there and easy to miss with all that has been happening (annnnd I suspect some skipped chapters as the story has felt like it’s dragging a bit)
Catherine Briar
Now that’s complicated.
The thought of me that the suke has been mistaking luana dissapeared,
Since when was it mentioned her mother was a witch? Is this the first time?
lol bonk the dullard, here we go kids, time to make nice after mommy’s big fuckup
Honestly, the art of the novel is more pleasing to the eye… Haven’t got the chance to read it though since I’m busy with other stories 😂😂
wow that was a big plot twist that I was most definitely wasn’t expecting