I wouldn’t mind run away either. Compared to where she was living at the beginning of the story, the duke place is way better. All she gotta do is cook her way up to becoming the duchess and she’ll be set?
I wouldnt run away either if I could use premium ingredients all the time while living in that time period. She’s kind of like a food motivated puppy ?
Guys am making a group for all manhwa lovers in discord tell me your username and I will add you and please spread the message so we can all share our interest and recommendations for something new please write ✍️ your usernames down here ? ? please guys help me achieve this goal ? ? ☺️ ? ? ?
Why do characters in manhua act like taking is such a terrifying thing? Just use your arms to lessen the damage and then get up smh
Catherine Briar
I like how he’s super honest about it and doesn’t try to white-wash it for her.
I wouldn’t mind run away either. Compared to where she was living at the beginning of the story, the duke place is way better. All she gotta do is cook her way up to becoming the duchess and she’ll be set?
Dont ask me
After this chapter things are gonna get Pretty Good. Especially regarding who she is, and who her mother was.
Spring and Summer
Duke: she’s a dummy but she is my dummy ?
I wouldnt run away either if I could use premium ingredients all the time while living in that time period. She’s kind of like a food motivated puppy ?
Historical Maniac
Exactly? Why would anyone run away if they’re living such a decent life? And they’ll be found anyway and might got killed too.
Guys am making a group for all manhwa lovers in discord tell me your username and I will add you and please spread the message so we can all share our interest and recommendations for something new please write ✍️ your usernames down here ? ? please guys help me achieve this goal ? ? ☺️ ? ? ?
He’s the wizard