I knew she’d have more in common with a chef than she would with normal people. Turns out I was right. By the way, when she was throwing up her hands and screaming ‘SUCCESS!’…. it was as if she was standing over a lab table hollering, “It’s ALIVEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Thus comes into the world Frankenstein’s Soybean Paste.
if you punted me into a world with no doenjang or gochujang or soy sauce i would sit down and cry. i’m amazed it took her this long to attempt recreating them
Yo know you can all have the ML and the King im taking the chef, he is tall, handsome knows how to cook, respects others and seems like a sweethart, he is perfect we need more ML like him, im getting kind of tired of the icy cold ML trope give me a ML that can cook hahahah????
He is already getting jealous ?????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Omgg and chef also handsome???????This manhwa is my favourite noww cuz I can see all the tasty delicious meals And Alsoo I lovee ROM com Manhwas and it Alsoo historical food ROM com which suits my taste fully?????❤️?❤️?❤️?????Thank you Harimanga ??????????Can U please translate it sooner and update it sooner?!!?????
🎶 Jealousy, Jealousy~ 🎶
Catherine Briar
I knew she’d have more in common with a chef than she would with normal people. Turns out I was right. By the way, when she was throwing up her hands and screaming ‘SUCCESS!’…. it was as if she was standing over a lab table hollering, “It’s ALIVEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Thus comes into the world Frankenstein’s Soybean Paste.
Lmao, this is gold.
Stacy Wotanajja
I taste vinegar
Please don’t hurt the chef duke?
Rain Trevil
lmao this duke
Zhongli simp
Spread the jelly sauce all over the sandwich
Ooooh jelly jelly~
I guess that saying “the quickest way to a heart it through the stomach” is true?
pfffft ? they do say the best way to man’s heart is through is stomach. she racking up bodies just thru her food.
Oh someone is jelly uhuhuhihihi ?
if you punted me into a world with no doenjang or gochujang or soy sauce i would sit down and cry. i’m amazed it took her this long to attempt recreating them
duke is so cute hehe
OMG too many good looking guys overload!
Yo know you can all have the ML and the King im taking the chef, he is tall, handsome knows how to cook, respects others and seems like a sweethart, he is perfect we need more ML like him, im getting kind of tired of the icy cold ML trope give me a ML that can cook hahahah????
Thank you so much for the update, I love this story! Can’t wait to see how Legion will handle this ?
???that didn’t take long
He is already getting jealous ?????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Omgg and chef also handsome???????This manhwa is my favourite noww cuz I can see all the tasty delicious meals And Alsoo I lovee ROM com Manhwas and it Alsoo historical food ROM com which suits my taste fully?????❤️?❤️?❤️?????Thank you Harimanga ??????????Can U please translate it sooner and update it sooner?!!?????
?? jellybean
Jealous??? I think yes! I’m for it!!!