So in her previous lifes her death wasnt due to dragon duke but poeple who wanted to kill him. Litle Calipso bringing her future husband home…how daddy will react 😀 But no one can beat Luatisia father who throw to dungeon some women who get to his chamber half naked just because Lulu said she was half naked cause she was assasin 😀 Anyway in that case maids propably would kill her anyway if this was draged longer 😀
So in her previous lifes her death wasnt due to dragon duke but poeple who wanted to kill him. Litle Calipso bringing her future husband home…how daddy will react 😀 But no one can beat Luatisia father who throw to dungeon some women who get to his chamber half naked just because Lulu said she was half naked cause she was assasin 😀 Anyway in that case maids propably would kill her anyway if this was draged longer 😀
wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff i need new episodes
when did the episode started n end i can’t even know
Is he the male lead please tel he is the male lead ohhh he is soo cuteeii😍
Yeah he is, he was her husband few times already if i recal corectly,or at least once.
He’s so cute ♡(> ਊ <)♡