Depends on level of inteligence, averge people (so like 70%) dont think so they dont speak or have conversations with themselfs in mind cause they only need to get orders from tv, smarter people talk with themselfs often, and there is a lot of times when you basicly have quorum talk in they mind with few wersion of themselfs 😉
…once again a FL who announces her plans out loud. At this point I’m wondering if it’s a cultural thing and Koreans do talk out loud to themselves often…😅
I mean.. tbh plenty of people irl talk to themselves like that sometimes too xD .. at least I think/hope so, otherwise I’m weirder than I thought..
Depends on level of inteligence, averge people (so like 70%) dont think so they dont speak or have conversations with themselfs in mind cause they only need to get orders from tv, smarter people talk with themselfs often, and there is a lot of times when you basicly have quorum talk in they mind with few wersion of themselfs 😉
Omg I know right it like why say it out loud why not in your head it’s like your asking to get caught
…once again a FL who announces her plans out loud. At this point I’m wondering if it’s a cultural thing and Koreans do talk out loud to themselves often…😅