if you think about it ofc she hasn’t fully gotten over him because 1. it seems almost like stockholm syndrome she probably still thinks she has to do everything for him. It seemed like she trained herself to only think of him and do everything solely for him and that kindness she received from him here and there was what kept her hope going (that’s a tactics people use to get something to submit/ be obedient)2. she died and came back to life not long ago so ofc she still needs to process her feelings and mental state. I don’t get how people expect them to just get over feelings she’s had for years so quickly when to her her past life was not that long ago. She’s doing a lot better than other fml when it comes to this stuff she probably still feels like she has no choice to listen to him since it’s been so ingrained in her mind and body it would be easier if she was able to get away from him to break these habits. Also ml wasn’t good to her he had his moments but she also said he did that to keep her obedient basically like giving a dog a treat for doing something good. Did You guys also forget about the noose he gave her?!!? Like y’all just not even going to talk about that?????
You guys seems to forget that fl herself talked about ml not being a horrible person to her in past chapters. He did treat her well and stuff except for the part of accepting her as his mate and make her empress but fl was doing all that to become his empress which was why she kept getting disappointed and sad because ml treated her nice and stuff which rises her hope but he just keep her by his side in other way than making his wife. And just few chapters ago ml talking about why he did nothing when fl was framed as he thought fl could handle it because she’s a capable and dependable person. Fl was just not in her right mind because of how ml kept refusing to accept her as his mate.
@serenitysara you’re super wrong lol. Just few chapters ago she used dragon power because a dragon’s mate can use it. Ml himself called out fl on how can she say she’s not his mate when she can use his power😂. 2nd of all she pretty smart and powerful. Did you forget that she became grand duke all by herself just for him? Ml didn’t gift her grandduke position. Ml gave her grandduke position to keep her by his side while not marrying her because she’s a valuable person with real value. She had legit contribution for nation and for ml which was why she literally talked about wasting so many years to make him perfect emperor in this chapter😂. Fl is more than qualified enough to fight back but she isn’t because we all know she’s still hung up on him. It was exactly why she decided to kill herself to avoid awakening ml because she herself knows she’s still in love and will get swayed again. In this chapter instead of refusing to marry him directly she talks about how it’s not good for ml and being salty on how ml was acting on their first life by mentioning “you don’t even need a mate” because in first life ml full of dragon pride exactly did that aka “I’m almighty dragon, I don’t need mate, I refuse to accept I feel human emotions because dragon don’t feel emotions”. Fl does have power to fight back but isn’t fighting back.
@Alicia : a HUMAN, a commoner, without any power or specialty VS a crazy obsessed noble DRAGON, who can be emperor in one minute, what fight is there to put ? She’s doing what she can
@TagWiffle nope not the only one I think he is hot af too and I want him 🥵
I don’t know about ya’ll, but the yellow dragon is hot asf
if you think about it ofc she hasn’t fully gotten over him because 1. it seems almost like stockholm syndrome she probably still thinks she has to do everything for him. It seemed like she trained herself to only think of him and do everything solely for him and that kindness she received from him here and there was what kept her hope going (that’s a tactics people use to get something to submit/ be obedient)2. she died and came back to life not long ago so ofc she still needs to process her feelings and mental state. I don’t get how people expect them to just get over feelings she’s had for years so quickly when to her her past life was not that long ago. She’s doing a lot better than other fml when it comes to this stuff she probably still feels like she has no choice to listen to him since it’s been so ingrained in her mind and body it would be easier if she was able to get away from him to break these habits. Also ml wasn’t good to her he had his moments but she also said he did that to keep her obedient basically like giving a dog a treat for doing something good. Did You guys also forget about the noose he gave her?!!? Like y’all just not even going to talk about that?????
You guys seems to forget that fl herself talked about ml not being a horrible person to her in past chapters. He did treat her well and stuff except for the part of accepting her as his mate and make her empress but fl was doing all that to become his empress which was why she kept getting disappointed and sad because ml treated her nice and stuff which rises her hope but he just keep her by his side in other way than making his wife. And just few chapters ago ml talking about why he did nothing when fl was framed as he thought fl could handle it because she’s a capable and dependable person. Fl was just not in her right mind because of how ml kept refusing to accept her as his mate.
@serenitysara you’re super wrong lol. Just few chapters ago she used dragon power because a dragon’s mate can use it. Ml himself called out fl on how can she say she’s not his mate when she can use his power😂. 2nd of all she pretty smart and powerful. Did you forget that she became grand duke all by herself just for him? Ml didn’t gift her grandduke position. Ml gave her grandduke position to keep her by his side while not marrying her because she’s a valuable person with real value. She had legit contribution for nation and for ml which was why she literally talked about wasting so many years to make him perfect emperor in this chapter😂. Fl is more than qualified enough to fight back but she isn’t because we all know she’s still hung up on him. It was exactly why she decided to kill herself to avoid awakening ml because she herself knows she’s still in love and will get swayed again. In this chapter instead of refusing to marry him directly she talks about how it’s not good for ml and being salty on how ml was acting on their first life by mentioning “you don’t even need a mate” because in first life ml full of dragon pride exactly did that aka “I’m almighty dragon, I don’t need mate, I refuse to accept I feel human emotions because dragon don’t feel emotions”. Fl does have power to fight back but isn’t fighting back.
@Alicia : a HUMAN, a commoner, without any power or specialty VS a crazy obsessed noble DRAGON, who can be emperor in one minute, what fight is there to put ? She’s doing what she can
Who’s not putting up a fight? If you mean the fl, then she is as much as she’s capable of doing. Man, this ml pisses me off….
Ur not even putting up a fight 🙄