bluebrrycantspel Omg, the dad in the backround, he so sad and I feel bad for him now 😢 November 4, 2022 at 4:50 am Log in to Reply
Nickii_ She’s so dumb it’s like she’s the same person as the villain before ??♀️ If they talk over YOU then talk back over THEM September 1, 2022 at 4:39 pm Log in to Reply
Moonlight.7 Is it just me or are all these characters just trash?? Honestly end em all gurll, Idk how much longer I can take in this dammed shit… April 9, 2022 at 6:09 pm Log in to Reply
lmaoo the dad
lmao the dad’s face??
Im_into romance
Omg I love the dad’s face
Omg, the dad in the backround, he so sad and I feel bad for him now 😢
She’s so dumb it’s like she’s the same person as the villain before ??♀️ If they talk over YOU then talk back over THEM
this is hillarious ??
the dad! XD
Is it just me or are all these characters just trash?? Honestly end em all gurll, Idk how much longer I can take in this dammed shit…
Torta de limao
I would ship it if they weren’t siblings