His father’s remains are important, but… I think he’s putting the cart before the horse, so to say. His father would be distraught that his remains are being used to blackmail his beloved son who he begged on his hands and knees for.
Prioritizing his father’s remains over his father’s actual wishes (or even just the fact that, without the father’s corpse, there is still the father’s remains in the living blood and body of his son) is really kind of frustratingly foolish honestly. Almost disgraceful to the actual memory of his father who sacrificed so much just for his son to willingly live as a dog to the man who murdered him.
His father’s remains are important, but… I think he’s putting the cart before the horse, so to say. His father would be distraught that his remains are being used to blackmail his beloved son who he begged on his hands and knees for.
Prioritizing his father’s remains over his father’s actual wishes (or even just the fact that, without the father’s corpse, there is still the father’s remains in the living blood and body of his son) is really kind of frustratingly foolish honestly. Almost disgraceful to the actual memory of his father who sacrificed so much just for his son to willingly live as a dog to the man who murdered him.