Ok I said I’ll drop this but I kept reading out of curiosity, and man this is still fucked up. Is the author trying to redeem the prince princess and Camille? For Camille, that was probably the perfect way to die. He got his revenge, he honoured his love, and he paid for his sins with death. But why did the princess’s tell the glen where Julia was? Redemption? Fucked up
Give justice to camille but i know he didnt die deep inside in my heart there is no way atleast he fake his death but how can he be happy like wtf give him what he derserve and he dont deserve julia cause julia wont love him i mean julia dont deserve him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Give sir camile to me i will treat bim better than who just prentending to love him but still hurt him lol so selfish hahaha char its a joke maybe some will bash me but no way how about cmile 😭😭😭😭😭
I cannot dont compare camile’s love with anyone you glen waaaahhh i cannot you dont even do anything while camile give everything and do everything while you keep hesitating for your love then you get the happy ending and my beloved camile was sad no way
Where is my beloved camile waaahhh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what do you meam he sacrifice himself no wayy why dont you sacrifice your self then my beloved camile woll no longer be hurt
Ok I said I’ll drop this but I kept reading out of curiosity, and man this is still fucked up. Is the author trying to redeem the prince princess and Camille? For Camille, that was probably the perfect way to die. He got his revenge, he honoured his love, and he paid for his sins with death. But why did the princess’s tell the glen where Julia was? Redemption? Fucked up
Camille needs to die off into a corner. Someone who abused a woman for years is trash and ought to die as a eunuch
Give justice to camille but i know he didnt die deep inside in my heart there is no way atleast he fake his death but how can he be happy like wtf give him what he derserve and he dont deserve julia cause julia wont love him i mean julia dont deserve him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Waaaaaahh camilleee where are you my loveeee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I’ll keep ranting until camile didnt get justice
Give sir camile to me i will treat bim better than who just prentending to love him but still hurt him lol so selfish hahaha char its a joke maybe some will bash me but no way how about cmile 😭😭😭😭😭
I cannot dont compare camile’s love with anyone you glen waaaahhh i cannot you dont even do anything while camile give everything and do everything while you keep hesitating for your love then you get the happy ending and my beloved camile was sad no way
Author have mercy with my beloved and give him a happy ending
Happier than julia and glen please waaaahhh 😭😭😭😭
Where is my beloved camile waaahhh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what do you meam he sacrifice himself no wayy why dont you sacrifice your self then my beloved camile woll no longer be hurt
Im not happy
😇😇😇 happy happy happy