So what’s his long-term plan? I mean, he’s thinking of keep going with this nonsense for life or just wait until things go completely out of his control based in the amount of people involved in this “game” or he has an actual goal like idk marrying her(which btw hope never happens)???🙄🙄🙄
My problem is that she’s not really a character in the story, but an object of obsession. She doesn’t make her own decisions; doesn’t have her own agency. Her actions don’t matter because things will go the same way regardless. I get that it’s a feature of the story, but it’s not a very endearing one. A protagonist needs to show some initiative, otherwise they’re just a prop.
I know you’re growing bored and you think she’s weak but not everyone can shield themselves mentally from constant harassment and abuse. Julia was brought in as a maid at a young age judging from Chapter 1 (and this level of harassment and abuse would destroy an adult). She suffers from abuse day and night and her only light is Camille. Any person would be weak. It’s a tactic that they use with POW. Day and night with her only peaceful times is when she’s with Camille and when she’s asleep. I am surprised she’s even able to steal function mentally at all.
The way these chapters are cut is annoying 😒 when does she leave this house I’m bored with blondie and her weakness. Also please say she had magic or something judging by how she was dressed when she was found her family had money. I need more info, I think I’ll take a break from this until there are more chapters.
he’s not the ml right????
Please tell me she realizes and gets revenge
The more I read this the more twisted this blonde prick is
So what’s his long-term plan? I mean, he’s thinking of keep going with this nonsense for life or just wait until things go completely out of his control based in the amount of people involved in this “game” or he has an actual goal like idk marrying her(which btw hope never happens)???🙄🙄🙄
My problem is that she’s not really a character in the story, but an object of obsession. She doesn’t make her own decisions; doesn’t have her own agency. Her actions don’t matter because things will go the same way regardless. I get that it’s a feature of the story, but it’s not a very endearing one. A protagonist needs to show some initiative, otherwise they’re just a prop.
I know you’re growing bored and you think she’s weak but not everyone can shield themselves mentally from constant harassment and abuse. Julia was brought in as a maid at a young age judging from Chapter 1 (and this level of harassment and abuse would destroy an adult). She suffers from abuse day and night and her only light is Camille. Any person would be weak. It’s a tactic that they use with POW. Day and night with her only peaceful times is when she’s with Camille and when she’s asleep. I am surprised she’s even able to steal function mentally at all.
The way these chapters are cut is annoying 😒 when does she leave this house I’m bored with blondie and her weakness. Also please say she had magic or something judging by how she was dressed when she was found her family had money. I need more info, I think I’ll take a break from this until there are more chapters.