Interesting enough… but not what we came here for. If they’re trying to make him sympathetic – it’s too little too late. If they’re trying to redeem him it’s gonna tack actual repentant action on his part – not some convoluted sob story.
How is any of this her fault. Its all the current kings fault. He was greedy and ruined an entire family due to his greed. You should be trying to destroy the royal family not your boring do nothing cousin.
1. Creep, that’s enough touching
2. Bro it’s not her fault
3. You’ve abused her way too much already
4. You need to meet ☠️
5. If you go any further than this, like the creepy king did w her mom, I’m dropping this
Interesting enough… but not what we came here for. If they’re trying to make him sympathetic – it’s too little too late. If they’re trying to redeem him it’s gonna tack actual repentant action on his part – not some convoluted sob story.
they’re cousins!?#!@? 😭😭😭 Ok so he’s taking it out on innocent julia? damn?
How is any of this her fault. Its all the current kings fault. He was greedy and ruined an entire family due to his greed. You should be trying to destroy the royal family not your boring do nothing cousin.
Anecy Scarlet
It’s not her fault? Such an idiot
Oh wow…
1. Creep, that’s enough touching
2. Bro it’s not her fault
3. You’ve abused her way too much already
4. You need to meet ☠️
5. If you go any further than this, like the creepy king did w her mom, I’m dropping this