gross so far..I can understand the FL being dull as a result of severe trauma but the rest of the characters just project their insecurities onto the FL and her only “ally” is a manipulative possessive narcissist.
Classic abuse tactic: Isolate your victim. If everyone around her treats her poorly and he’s the only one she can turn to, she can’t think of leaving him. Anything he does to hurt her, she will just brush off because of how “kind” he is.
nah i can’t stand any of these characters. FL seems like she doesn’t really have a backbone, the blond ML sounds like a total sadist and a two-faced crazy person, and the horse-riding bitch is so ugly that it’s honestly laughable if he’s one of the potential male leads. This just rubs me the wrong way, I’m sorry. I’m sure you guys might like this, but sadly this isn’t my type, especially if the FL is going to be abused for most of this story and eventually fall in love with one of her abusers. Don’t forget, the genre says ROMANCE.
If the story does improve later on, feel free to reply to me and I’ll give it a second chance 🙂
ooop- just realized that there was a black-haired dude on the cover, hopefully he’s better than blondie over here or else i will forever think that manhua’s are a curse upon society.
I don’t like that Camille. He’s also an asshole in a saint face 👀..if he really want to help her,then he should do that a long time ago but I guessed, he’s only using her. And he and that Gregory both abuse her in a different way.
I Cant_Sleep
Ugh, hell no!!! One chapter in and all I can say is thic camille just isn’t it!!!!
A Damsel in distress 🙃
Goodbye 👋
gross so far..I can understand the FL being dull as a result of severe trauma but the rest of the characters just project their insecurities onto the FL and her only “ally” is a manipulative possessive narcissist.
Classic abuse tactic: Isolate your victim. If everyone around her treats her poorly and he’s the only one she can turn to, she can’t think of leaving him. Anything he does to hurt her, she will just brush off because of how “kind” he is.
Why are they keeping her there if she’s a bother? And what does Camille want from her? Hope she finds a way to hide before she gets whipped😣
baby im not even hallucination
nah i can’t stand any of these characters. FL seems like she doesn’t really have a backbone, the blond ML sounds like a total sadist and a two-faced crazy person, and the horse-riding bitch is so ugly that it’s honestly laughable if he’s one of the potential male leads. This just rubs me the wrong way, I’m sorry. I’m sure you guys might like this, but sadly this isn’t my type, especially if the FL is going to be abused for most of this story and eventually fall in love with one of her abusers. Don’t forget, the genre says ROMANCE.
If the story does improve later on, feel free to reply to me and I’ll give it a second chance 🙂
baby im not even hallucination
ooop- just realized that there was a black-haired dude on the cover, hopefully he’s better than blondie over here or else i will forever think that manhua’s are a curse upon society.
I don’t like that Camille. He’s also an asshole in a saint face 👀..if he really want to help her,then he should do that a long time ago but I guessed, he’s only using her. And he and that Gregory both abuse her in a different way.
what a creep, does his power depend on her suffering why does he look like he wants to see her in pain
The next chapter is going to be brutal😰