Yeah,so I’m right that he mistaken her as Anastasia….I understand since it was Anastasia who were in the banquet as the star of the night…he fell in love with Marie the night he saw and talked to her but he did not know or even asked her name…
im starting to think that the Count and Countess kidnapped Anastasia and Marie from another household coz no way did they give birth to 2 kind daughters when they’re walking puke.
The parents obviously loved neither daughter and just saw Anastasia as an easy way to get cash by selling her to the highest bidder. The way they treated her reflects this. Good clothes to impress suitors and no labour so that she didn’t gain muscle, calluses, or scars. Not saying she had it worse, but that these two don’t even have enough compassion in them to love one child.
I am sure these happened because he ask whose birthday they were celebrating and they said it was Marie birthday, so they assumed Anastasia was the red hair girl… Hahaha ? people have to verify their sources
? parents do this all the time, it might not be as extreme as in this story but plenty of people develop low self esteem or feel inferior because of what their parents said while growing up
I dunno how parents can berated their own biological daughter until she developed low self esteem n inferior complex. What an a s s hole of a parent. Did he even look himself in the mirror on how fugly he is? Dammit
CALLLLLLLLED IT! I called it! I thought he believed her name was Anastasia probably due to the fact that although it was Marie’s birthday, everyone paid attention to her sister
Reader is L
Yep! Some info got mixed up somehow. Oh well, at least he saw her and I’m interested. Let’s go!
Ok I’m hooked
Yeah,so I’m right that he mistaken her as Anastasia….I understand since it was Anastasia who were in the banquet as the star of the night…he fell in love with Marie the night he saw and talked to her but he did not know or even asked her name…
im starting to think that the Count and Countess kidnapped Anastasia and Marie from another household coz no way did they give birth to 2 kind daughters when they’re walking puke.
The parents obviously loved neither daughter and just saw Anastasia as an easy way to get cash by selling her to the highest bidder. The way they treated her reflects this. Good clothes to impress suitors and no labour so that she didn’t gain muscle, calluses, or scars. Not saying she had it worse, but that these two don’t even have enough compassion in them to love one child.
I am sure these happened because he ask whose birthday they were celebrating and they said it was Marie birthday, so they assumed Anastasia was the red hair girl… Hahaha ? people have to verify their sources
? parents do this all the time, it might not be as extreme as in this story but plenty of people develop low self esteem or feel inferior because of what their parents said while growing up
I mean, to the extent where one child is dressed in rags at her own birthday party and forced to work?
I dunno how parents can berated their own biological daughter until she developed low self esteem n inferior complex. What an a s s hole of a parent. Did he even look himself in the mirror on how fugly he is? Dammit
Spring and Summer
Her father is such a joke ? I really hope he won’t get any money but he’ll probably do…
CALLLLLLLLED IT! I called it! I thought he believed her name was Anastasia probably due to the fact that although it was Marie’s birthday, everyone paid attention to her sister
Hahahaha omg ?