NOOOOO they robbed us the long closure. there were more to the stories, how long did they have to endure public & council pressure since Chloe could not get pregnant for a couple years… how hard Damien stick to his wife despite all that… then the twins arrived and the joy that came with them… 😭😭😭 why skipped and rushed it???!!! it could’ve been GREAT!!!
Such a beautiful ending, I wish they showed us more about their family. I never thought I would end up liking Demian but wow I adore him. I liked how their relationship changed and developed.
NOOOOO they robbed us the long closure. there were more to the stories, how long did they have to endure public & council pressure since Chloe could not get pregnant for a couple years… how hard Damien stick to his wife despite all that… then the twins arrived and the joy that came with them… 😭😭😭 why skipped and rushed it???!!! it could’ve been GREAT!!!
That was fast!
Can’t believe it’s over, I enjoyed this manhwa soo soo much, thank you author and artist for this wonderful work 🥹💜
I hope the artist draw more MANWHAS I love this art style
NO WAY!! I LOVE IT THOUGH! kinda felt confused about the last couple of chapters but this ending is great
Omg ending it’s so cute!! The art is so beautiful
I love the author is there any story she make I want to read it.
I hope there’s side stories plssssss
The perfect ending
I’m pretty sure she had infertility problems for a while getting pregnant the finally had twins after a while
Such a beautiful ending, I wish they showed us more about their family. I never thought I would end up liking Demian but wow I adore him. I liked how their relationship changed and developed.
Thank you so much!! I’ll reread it again this week!!
😭😭😭🤧🤧 will miss this ❤️❤️… i feel they should have shown the pregnancy, kids nurturing part..
It’s finished! And he cried when she had their twins. So cute. Their relationship started off terribly but by the end, they are so cute
sxarlexˊ🎼 ended
Mid finally ended