Bro how are they able to openly show how they abuse her?!??!! Shes a princess they’re supposed to treat her with dignity 🤬🤬 usually they cover up the abuse but they have NO SHAME
ugh i understand them and i also pity her. ugh how could they. it’s kinda hard when fl is the one who keeps getting help. i just hope they wont get tired and help her. and in the future i hope she’ll love them back and support her hubby
Sign language? Interesting! I wonder if this would work with our girl. . . . 🫢
This is why kingdom systems were absurd, you don’t like the king they’ll called it treason
Wow! They use sign language to communicate secretly! Love that idea!
Bro how are they able to openly show how they abuse her?!??!! Shes a princess they’re supposed to treat her with dignity 🤬🤬 usually they cover up the abuse but they have NO SHAME
if she dies, they die too??
hmmm, interesting
but then , you guys shouldve treated your only lifeline MUCH BETTER
@FUS stop reading naive fantasies
Wow sign language, awesome !
Omg did they just completely abandon raising her?
ugh i understand them and i also pity her. ugh how could they. it’s kinda hard when fl is the one who keeps getting help. i just hope they wont get tired and help her. and in the future i hope she’ll love them back and support her hubby
okay I was all serious until their hand sign stuff lmaooo what? 🥹 FL is gorgeous just what have they done to her evil cruel