@Treeshakura bruh how many years was Liliana bullied please tell me, also painful? pffft you can protect your friend and be mature both at the same time, as an adult she can think of ways, not to forget Cordela is a child and it’s not that hard to deal with her, specially if we see MC’s position & doesn’t matter how old is she? are you really sane??? children are very soft & are like blank canvas stop with this foolery
@RandomGal why get mad at MC, reasons are stated in my comment, also even though parents are to blame, will MC be no different? or she’ll take advantage of her age, position & powers don’t forget the fact it’s children she is dealing with, who are brainwashed she can teach them new way of thinking or she can just humiliate her and take revenge on 5yo old just as @Treeshakura wants
you both sound so harsh on children smh…..
C’mon now, age doesn’t really matter when it comes to karma, get what you deserve.
I feel that it’s better for her to get humiliated here while she’s still young, I think that the younger the punishment event is, the better it is for their character development. Kids that go around doing bad things without any punishment will make them worse when they grew up into an adult, so I think FL responsibility as an adult to teach this kids a lesson is good. She doesn’t solve it with physical assault is a huge plus in my judgement.
Also, it’s better for you to stop spoiling the kids if they make mistake, they can become a psychopath if you fail to educate them on which is right or wrong.
Why get mad at MC? She’s just being a loyal friend who’s standing up for her bullied friend. Cordelia was in the wrong too. If you guys want to blame someone, blame the adult parents—both Liliana’s and Cordelia’s parents are at fault for putting their children in that situation.
To the comments here, I want to say that nope both the price and Liliana are confused.
MC is okay , imagine seeing your friend being humiliated and bullied for nothing for years . How painful is it! Can u understand me? It really doesn’t matters how old she is or how much she has suffered after all karma is karma
I must admit but FL is really annoying at times, girl you are an adult, you have red the novel, you also have various experience in og world, is it so difficult to know that Cordella was actually brainwashed like this, is you approach okay? and what will you obtain after humiliating that little girl?? who is taught bs from the start? there is another mature way to handle someone like that and Liliana can’t risk getting mad at her because of difference in status??? can you act like an adult for once?? even Lucion and windy seems more adult than you…..
@Treeshakura bruh how many years was Liliana bullied please tell me, also painful? pffft you can protect your friend and be mature both at the same time, as an adult she can think of ways, not to forget Cordela is a child and it’s not that hard to deal with her, specially if we see MC’s position & doesn’t matter how old is she? are you really sane??? children are very soft & are like blank canvas stop with this foolery
@RandomGal why get mad at MC, reasons are stated in my comment, also even though parents are to blame, will MC be no different? or she’ll take advantage of her age, position & powers don’t forget the fact it’s children she is dealing with, who are brainwashed she can teach them new way of thinking or she can just humiliate her and take revenge on 5yo old just as @Treeshakura wants
you both sound so harsh on children smh…..
C’mon now, age doesn’t really matter when it comes to karma, get what you deserve.
I feel that it’s better for her to get humiliated here while she’s still young, I think that the younger the punishment event is, the better it is for their character development. Kids that go around doing bad things without any punishment will make them worse when they grew up into an adult, so I think FL responsibility as an adult to teach this kids a lesson is good. She doesn’t solve it with physical assault is a huge plus in my judgement.
Also, it’s better for you to stop spoiling the kids if they make mistake, they can become a psychopath if you fail to educate them on which is right or wrong.
Why get mad at MC? She’s just being a loyal friend who’s standing up for her bullied friend. Cordelia was in the wrong too. If you guys want to blame someone, blame the adult parents—both Liliana’s and Cordelia’s parents are at fault for putting their children in that situation.
To the comments here, I want to say that nope both the price and Liliana are confused.
MC is okay , imagine seeing your friend being humiliated and bullied for nothing for years . How painful is it! Can u understand me? It really doesn’t matters how old she is or how much she has suffered after all karma is karma
i have to agree, i feel bad for her. the fl is a grown adult yet wants to humiliate a child. its immature
I must admit but FL is really annoying at times, girl you are an adult, you have red the novel, you also have various experience in og world, is it so difficult to know that Cordella was actually brainwashed like this, is you approach okay? and what will you obtain after humiliating that little girl?? who is taught bs from the start? there is another mature way to handle someone like that and Liliana can’t risk getting mad at her because of difference in status??? can you act like an adult for once?? even Lucion and windy seems more adult than you…..