@Cravity it’s not for the rest of Ruth’s life. Since he’s still in his younger years, they decided to slowly introduce him to the existence of ‘Julia’ even if she is introduced as an aunt at first. To suddenly know that the man who you acknowledged as a father is actually not your father would be too big of a shock for a young child, so I think the storyline still makes a lot of sense despite the truth not being shared.
@Cravity it’s not for the rest of Ruth’s life. Since he’s still in his younger years, they decided to slowly introduce him to the existence of ‘Julia’ even if she is introduced as an aunt at first. To suddenly know that the man who you acknowledged as a father is actually not your father would be too big of a shock for a young child, so I think the storyline still makes a lot of sense despite the truth not being shared.
I think he will eventually know that the aunt is his biological mother I just feels like it will happen
Still I find it unfair, knowing your mother as your aunt for the rest of your life :((((