Beauty and the Beasts - Chapter 623
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Oh, and I forgot to add, the whole time Muir’s human arm, while it was damaged, was basically supposed to look like it was twisted back to front. You don’t even know which arm is damaged here. I honestly thought it was his right arm which was represented by the bandages until Harvey broke his left arm π
So many things missed here vs the novel. For starters the whole time that Muir has the injured wing he hasn’t been able to fly (he’s shown flying numerous times since he’s returned). Now that his wing has been rebroken and reset, in the novel he was specifically told NOT to transform into a human until it heals or else it would ruin the setting of the bones.
It annoys me almost as much as them having Anan baby talk when it specifically says in the novel she doesn’t (then later we find out she can’t talk at all). It’s actually a HUGE plot point later.
Rant over. I know very well this adaptation is pretty bad… But for some reason I still read it π