Beauty and the Beasts - Chapter 583
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They got some nerve….. ur azz is walking into her home ….and gonna say sht like that…biotch take ur mates n leave then…. shes mated to the king of snakes stripless beast…loyalty of a Eagle stripless beast …and winston is king of lion ….and parkers a prince ….shes queen …dude…and if she leaves her mates leave and ur done for…
They got some nerve….. ur azz is walking into her home ….and gonna say sht like that…biotch take ur mates n leave then…. shes mated to the king of snakes stripless beast…loyalty of a rgal stripless beast …and winston lion king ….and parkers a prince ….shes queen …dude…and if she leaves her mates peave and ur done for …
Bai QingQing is technically the queen there and you want to hand her over? FU biatzxch
Bai is a better woman than I am