Beauty and the Beasts - Chapter 412
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Bro who tf said parker was ther fav?
Still curtis is my fav
Oh shit ?
Poor baby snake. Dumb parker why you pulled him like that ?
This can’t be it.. poor baby ?
Stupid Parker what do You do
Why is Curtis sow mean whit is child i don’t understand ?? if anyone know can you answer my question please ????
Someone in another side explain that in the novel the snake usually are weak until their transformation in beastmen, So they have to became strong even killing their own brothers to get a territory, before their transformation. Also the beastmen that survive the competition usually go to other territorios together to kidnapped women to procrate, they rape the women to Made them to get pregnant without rest and the women died in that procesos that is the explanation Curtis and Parker give about the feral beastmen snakes.
So my logic is that the little snake (I hope is not dead) , Lost the competition of territory , Curtis know it, thats the reason he don’t want the little snake meet Quing cause snakes not live with their moms, or belief that will Made the little snake more weak is he stay with her mom. Also the little snake follow the people from the capital city to SEE si he can meet her mom, cause Curtis just trow them away when they have to leave capital city, and don’t want Quing know about it.
Poor baby