Beauty and the Beasts - Chapter 31
You don't have anything in histories
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@Hereth yea I was thinking the same why she still choose him
@EevysRead agree
Parker is like those type in reverse harem play as a school boy or baby-faced looks that has terrible prank mindset or cbildish tantrums. Ew
MUIR AND CURTIS is fucking better than this PARKER! hes useless piece of trash, abusive, insecure bastard that cant think pass his dick. LETS REPRODUCE! thats all in his tiny brain. If anything happen, PARKER will be the last person u wana go to coz he cant even help himself! YUCKS!
This mf-ing female is dumb. Like btch. Parker is way too mf-ing obsessive. Like jerk. Seriously, why did she even choose him. Although the snake is possessive, he’s better than that parker idiot. Gosh.