Poor Clara you’re not stuck to Mr. psycho red head who almost raped Chloe the first time she arrived on the kingdom 🙂 I hate that man but he’s fucking handsome.
Clara’s gone down a dark path of no return since her first spanking. ? I’m glad she found someone and she loves them so much she doesn’t care about status ?
Poor Clara you’re not stuck to Mr. psycho red head who almost raped Chloe the first time she arrived on the kingdom 🙂 I hate that man but he’s fucking handsome.
Searching for love
It’s all so good that i feel strange
I want them to raise the baby too. But I wish they have there own baby too ?❤️
Oh god why would you fall in love with that red haired a**hole he’s a d*ck with a capital D
Oh my ???
It’s the duke’s fault LMAO. He hit clara *coughs spank coughs* to humiliate her LMAO
Ughshsgahm this chapter is so heartwarming ????
so soft for them acting like parents uwu
Shes a masochist???
Clara’s gone down a dark path of no return since her first spanking. ? I’m glad she found someone and she loves them so much she doesn’t care about status ?
No wait, isn’t he that sick perverted jerk from the very beginning, Clara noooo ?
I can already see his dad’s reaction when he finds out that a child is now involved ????
You right. It’s just like anime “spy x family”, Loid have to produce a child within 7 days but this 2 couple have a child in a few months ??