When I read the name MATHIAS VON GERHARD i feeeel goosebumps like hey I know that man! hahahah the spellings are different but I believe theyre the same person. hmmmmm
Its a really enjoyable story.. not the manga im talking about but the novel.. bastian in this manga does not compare well with the one in the novel.. in the novel he is not this pretty-boy looking ml that is not depicted well here and lacks depth
everyones talking about the novel spoilers him being the trashiest ML ever, but do you know who the artist of this manhwa? i think he/she tends to change or rewrite the story from the novel to the manhwa he/shes creating great example is “Vilianess wants divorce” the same artist but made huge changes from the novel, sooo maybe hopefully they will change the storyline for the better. hopefully🤞
I read the spoilers and tho I haven’t read the whole story, he is undoubtedly a shitty person and I don’t think slapping the ‘romance’ label onto it is gonna change that.
For the SA part, it’s not the penetration type of r@pe (im not sure about the rest of the story tho). He forces himself on her, like kissing her and sliding his hands underneath her clothes, despite her repeatedly pushing him away. Which is 🎇S E X U A L A S S A U L T🎇
Honestly, from what I’ve seen in the forum, both of them are 🚩🚩 but he’s the main problem.
I can’t really go in depth, but here is the site you can go on for spoilers; Google “Bastian Novel Updates Spoilers”.
OMG seriously guys!?
Thanks for the spoilers!
I’m dropping this now since I have OP villains and precious innocent people getting trampled on and their honors smeared one-sidedly.
I mean, what’s the point of watching a cruel torturous process of a shiny gem getting chipped away bit by bit, smeared and ruined so unjustly when it was meant to shine the brightest?!
I don’t think I have what it takes to keep watching such arduous torture for months to come.
I already loved this girl, she is too precious.
And I don’t think she has a means to retake what’s about to get stolen from her.
So, it’s a lost cause already.
I’m so heart-broken, but an thankful to our dear readers for spoiling me ahead o time since I’m sure I would have been devastated if not for them warning be in advance.
Thanks a lot guys
Keep it up!
When I read the name MATHIAS VON GERHARD i feeeel goosebumps like hey I know that man! hahahah the spellings are different but I believe theyre the same person. hmmmmm
MATHIAS VON GERHARD?!!! You mean Matthias von herhardth?😂 lol I though he really met Matthias but on a second thought’s, there last name is different.
Its a really enjoyable story.. not the manga im talking about but the novel.. bastian in this manga does not compare well with the one in the novel.. in the novel he is not this pretty-boy looking ml that is not depicted well here and lacks depth
everyones talking about the novel spoilers him being the trashiest ML ever, but do you know who the artist of this manhwa? i think he/she tends to change or rewrite the story from the novel to the manhwa he/shes creating great example is “Vilianess wants divorce” the same artist but made huge changes from the novel, sooo maybe hopefully they will change the storyline for the better. hopefully🤞
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I read the spoilers and tho I haven’t read the whole story, he is undoubtedly a shitty person and I don’t think slapping the ‘romance’ label onto it is gonna change that.
For the SA part, it’s not the penetration type of r@pe (im not sure about the rest of the story tho). He forces himself on her, like kissing her and sliding his hands underneath her clothes, despite her repeatedly pushing him away. Which is 🎇S E X U A L A S S A U L T🎇
Honestly, from what I’ve seen in the forum, both of them are 🚩🚩 but he’s the main problem.
I can’t really go in depth, but here is the site you can go on for spoilers; Google “Bastian Novel Updates Spoilers”.
Wtfff HE WHAT??? Who tf comes up with such a trashy story.
OMG seriously guys!?
Thanks for the spoilers!
I’m dropping this now since I have OP villains and precious innocent people getting trampled on and their honors smeared one-sidedly.
I mean, what’s the point of watching a cruel torturous process of a shiny gem getting chipped away bit by bit, smeared and ruined so unjustly when it was meant to shine the brightest?!
I don’t think I have what it takes to keep watching such arduous torture for months to come.
I already loved this girl, she is too precious.
And I don’t think she has a means to retake what’s about to get stolen from her.
So, it’s a lost cause already.
I’m so heart-broken, but an thankful to our dear readers for spoiling me ahead o time since I’m sure I would have been devastated if not for them warning be in advance.
Thanks a lot guys
Keep it up!
I saw Matthias!!!!!!!!
Wtf is with this spoiler 😭🙂i thought it would be some kind of romance..after this chapter but r*pe? 😭😭
@Rozaana thank god for spoilers
Dont mind me just simping
@Rozaana what the f^ck seriously? Btw can u spoil me a bit more? Pls 🙂
Kim Tami
I’ll only read this again if it’s in the revenge part😒
More spoilers please! I’m questioning if I should continue this? 🤔
The ml is 🗑🗑 🙄
He will r*pe the fl many times and when she gives birth he will take her baby and give it to the red head b*tch 🤬
I really liked the art but the story is just sick
Isabel the bitch princess will slap our FL because she so jealous 😒