he’s just insecure and projecting his insecurity on her.. this is normal behaviour for men irl too heh so not that surprised but the way he puts his thoughts forward.. he needs to tone it down a LOT.
i hate the fact that he belittles her past as a beggar, the only reason he wants her to look good is to not make him look bad. Because if she’s pretty enough, then maybe people will forget about her past 🙄
he’s just insecure and projecting his insecurity on her.. this is normal behaviour for men irl too heh so not that surprised but the way he puts his thoughts forward.. he needs to tone it down a LOT.
yall need to stfu and suck it up. yall acting as if they were married out of love not by order by the king, like r yall still in 6th grade??.
he’s a soldier, a soldier’s job r to follow orders.
and she’s a fallen noble who’s slowly rising up again.
learn to understand these facts. gosh
Again shut ur mouth boi. I hope she leaves u when u r down bad for her
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
i hate the fact that he belittles her past as a beggar, the only reason he wants her to look good is to not make him look bad. Because if she’s pretty enough, then maybe people will forget about her past 🙄
He’s just to arrogant
I didn’t understand anything from this chapter