@Lightning-Kun Your explanation is wasted when the majority of readers are closed-minded when it comes to critiques. They always find it as an insult and don’t respect others’ preferences and opinions.🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
people in the comments are so weird? like no one is under any obligation to ‘appreciate’ art by any artist just because some people find it hard to draw characters & you guys know nothing about me, I used to draw character art as time pass me n my besties were schools art club’s prez so it’s not that hard with practice anything is possible, I admit that it’s not for all but that doesn’t make people to bash someone just cuz they don’t like what you like, so stop telling others to get their eyes checked and grow up, if you guys like the art that’s great I won’t go around criticizing your choice or telling you to draw that by yourself or getting ur eyes checked it is totally fine to have different taste.
Can y’all just appreciate the art? It’s impressive enough that the artist can make them look the same in every panel, I can’t even do it(that’s why I stick with random sketch)
I think the art will improve just like wind breaker
I really just can’t with this newbies😩
I’m sorry ML looks kind of ugly….. and I saw bad boy written on his…..
and bitch please it’s not those 2 but u n ur grp who are getting annoying, tf pleasure do people get from bullying others? bullies are disgusting suckers.
@Lightning-Kun Your explanation is wasted when the majority of readers are closed-minded when it comes to critiques. They always find it as an insult and don’t respect others’ preferences and opinions.🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
@Lightning-Kun the FL’s hair is kinda 😭 the drawing is good I JUST DON’T LIKE THE FLs HAIR🩵
people in the comments are so weird? like no one is under any obligation to ‘appreciate’ art by any artist just because some people find it hard to draw characters & you guys know nothing about me, I used to draw character art as time pass me n my besties were schools art club’s prez so it’s not that hard with practice anything is possible, I admit that it’s not for all but that doesn’t make people to bash someone just cuz they don’t like what you like, so stop telling others to get their eyes checked and grow up, if you guys like the art that’s great I won’t go around criticizing your choice or telling you to draw that by yourself or getting ur eyes checked it is totally fine to have different taste.
Some people need to get their eyes checked! how the hell the ML is ugly?!
The art style is fine
@Lightning-Kun are you mad serious?
🙂 if it looks so easy then go draw yours 😂 what in the world there looks ugly (Ml) geez
Can y’all just appreciate the art? It’s impressive enough that the artist can make them look the same in every panel, I can’t even do it(that’s why I stick with random sketch)
I think the art will improve just like wind breaker
I really just can’t with this newbies😩
Yall must never read older comics then… cuz characters had more of this look
Uuurgh 🤢🤮. I can’t stand those chins, most characters look disgusting.
I’m sorry ML looks kind of ugly….. and I saw bad boy written on his…..
and bitch please it’s not those 2 but u n ur grp who are getting annoying, tf pleasure do people get from bullying others? bullies are disgusting suckers.