Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 9
You don't have anything in histories
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Here lies the grave of Eternity4Ever
Cause of death:
Cuteness overload
“P-please let K-karmen be the ML *COUGH**COUGH*
Maybe he sent her back in the past???? Idk
Low key reminds me the manhawa into the light again
Damn kids having a better relationship than me!! I envy them
Reader is L
Its the tea!!!! That damn queen has been feeding you poison tea!!!! She mentioned you have to drink your regular tea a few chapters back!!! That damn witch!!!! 🤬 aargh!!! bark bark bark!!! (Angry auntie noises!)
If she couldn’t use magic in her past life then how would she have been able to use black magic in the first place? Magic is magic regardless, you need some kind of knowledge about it to do it. The princess didn’t study any kind of magic because she was told she couldn’t do magic. It’s confusing tbh.
Chervian got executed because she was accused of doing black magic, not because of the reproaching rumpus of her. Those rumours did however act as fuel to the massive flame of hatred possessed by all who held contempt for her.
Shoo cute
Man-nya-nya-na _
The queen was the culprit why she need to get executed in her past life